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11 Natural Home Remedies For Copd

copd treatment home remedies, home remedy for copd flare up, natural ways to treat copd
Home Remedies For Copd

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease or COPD is a condition that affects the lungs, resulting in the clogging of the airways of the lungs.
However, there are several ways to diminish the symptoms.

Natural Treatment For COPD

Omega – 3 Fatty Acids


Omega -3 fatty acids are a kind of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are beneficial for COPD patients as they are good anti-inflammatory agents.  They also improve breathing difficulties.  They are also good antioxidants, which destroy the free radicals that are associated with COPD.

Fish varieties like sardines, herring, mackerel, trout, salmon and tuna are rich sources of omega -3 fatty acids. The vegetarian alternatives are flaxseeds and walnuts. They are also found in fish oil supplements.

Vitamin C


Vitamin C also helps in the healthy functioning of lungs. Citrus fruits, papaya, broccoli and many vegetables are rich sources of this nutrient. Vitamin C is also available as supplements.



Magnesium levels are generally low in people suffering from COPD. Magnesium supplements have proven to be beneficial for COPD.



Carnitine is derivative compound, produced in our body. It improves breathing. Patients with COPD reported lesser symptoms on usage of Carnitine supplements.


Herbs have been used to treat various lung diseases and lung infections since ancient times. Many herbs are used to treat COPD. The most common herbs used are



Ginseng roots are good for patients suffering from COPD. It increases the oxygen intake and improves ventilation. Patients with advanced COPD showed positive results with Ginseng intake.



Ginkgo is a very good antioxidant. It is used to treat various diseases. Ginkgo helps in clearing the airways of the lungs and improves its functioning. It is generally taken thrice a day.

Olive Leaf

Olive leaf has anti-inflammatory properties. It is also a natural antibiotic.



Comfrey leaves are widely used for their active healing properties. It relieves the inflammation in the membranes of the bronchia. It also discharges the mucous from the tubes and membranes of the lungs.
Relaxation Techniques


The specific breathing exercises of yoga can provide the lungs with more oxygen. It can also calm the mind and help you relax. These exercises improve the air circulation to the lungs and ease the blocked airways. Yoga moves have proved beneficial even for patients with severe COPD.



Massage helps your body relax and thereby reducing stress and hormones related to stress such as cortisol. For patients with COPD, massage elevates the pulmonary functions, strengthens the muscles that aid respiration and reduces the shortness of breath.

Home Remedies

Certain home remedies have proven to be beneficial to relieve the symptoms of COPD. To overcome severe cough, inhaling a few drops of frankincense oil on a piece of cloth, several times a day can help.
Black tea can ease breathing by opening up the air passages in the lungs. The active chemical in black tea, theophylline is responsible for this. Three to four cups of black tea per day can help.

Acupressure For COPD


The pressure applied to certain points in the body distributes energy within and revives comfort. As a result, it aids easy breathing.
Natural treatment methods have shown promising results in many patients. However, one should make sure that natural remedies do not interact with the prescribed drugs.

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Espace Natural


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